Monday, July 10, 2006

Better Literacy leads to better paying jobs!

Good reading skills, good grammar, and the ability to articulate are sooooooooo important in the job market. I used to manage a group of 45 people hired right out of college, and even though they were in the upper echelon of the graduating class, their English and grammar were truly awful, and it showed in their email, their presentations, and their verbal communication. This is a good article about the link between literacy and finding good employment.

Land a Better Job through Better Literacy (Ridgecrest Daily Independent)

(ARA) - The link between reading ability and employability has long been common knowledge.

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Tips on making your job application stand out from the rest.

This is sound advice no matter where you live! One thing I can add about making your application count is that when I applied for a job over the Internet last month, I was singled out because I wrote a cover letter and didn't just send my resume. I was told that I was the only person who did that, so I got the call!

How to make your job application count (AME Info)

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